The Arizona MLK Celebration Committee joins forces with the Arizona Interfaith Movement to spearhead promoting responsible citizens for our future through education and service.
The annual event is organized by Arizona Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC).
The Phoenix Human Relations Commission, in collaboration with the Phoenix Equal Opportunity Department, recognizes the accomplishments of people who have made an impact on the quality of life of Phoenix residents and contributed significantly to creating a compassionate and socially just community with the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Living The Dream Awards and Calvin C. Goode Lifetime Achievement Award.
A Message
From Our Chair
AZ MLK Celebration

Each year, citizens from across the state gather to recognize the birthday and contributions of Dr. King in a variety of ways. The city of Phoenix and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Committee are ever mindful that this important holiday should not be treated as a one-day, one-weekend event. To limit it that way would make it a hollow day.
The many volunteers who have made this celebration a meaningful and totally participatory event are committed to keeping alive the works of Dr. King. We remember, we celebrate and we act.
We remember by recalling the historical civil rights events and reflecting on our own personal experiences. We celebrate in joyful interaction of a diverse people to acknowledge our common heritage and humanity. We act by planning our lives centered in the reality of sustaining the principles set forth by Dr. King.
Everyone is encouraged to be a true change agent by actively engaging in positive service to our neighbors, our city, state and nation.
We know, as do you, that we face major economic and unity challenges on the local, state, national and international levels. However, we encourage each person, by positive actions, to be a part of necessary solutions, not contributors to the problems.
We applaud your active involvement and thank you for your continued support as we continue to showcase the good works of our city's very good people.
Dr. Gene C. Blue, Chair
Arizona MLK Celebration Committee